LinkedIn Clone using React Native - React Native Project

Build LinkedIn Clone using React Native & React Navigation

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LinkedIn Clone using React  Native -  React Native Project

What You Will Learn!

  • An actual real-world project built in a linear and progressive manner
  • Develop cool native mobile applications using React Native
  • Understand the working of a react-native application
  • Make truly reusable components that look great


Building cross-platform mobile apps have become less time-consuming and more effective with one of the most popular frameworks, React Native. This is not a reading documentation course. You have here a real-world project to learn from, and you will see the exact place of every feature of every technology used in this course.

You will learn how to build a Mobile Application for Android using React Native and React Navigation.

I guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on React Native. This project-based course will introduce you to the modern toolchain of a React Native app developer. Along the way, we will build a massive LinkedIn Clone application using React Native, React Hooks, and, React Navigation. We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of React, including JSX, props, state, and styles. And of course, hooks will be used for the reusable functional components. The course will cover creating many different reusable components which will be reused in the app included in the course, as well as you can use them for your own personal projects later.

After this course you will be able to:

1. Set up the system correctly

2. Manage Errors a Debug React Native CLI applications

3. Build applications from scratch

4. Understand good architecture flow for an application

5. Display and render custom Lists

6. Add external packages

7. Tap in the native code of an iOS and Android application

Who Should Attend!

  • Students who are interested in going beyond a normal "beginner" level
  • Full stack, Forntend or Backend web developers that want to learn Android development by building a real-world app



  • LinkedIn
  • React Native
  • React Navigation






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