LinkedIn Lectures

Storytelling on LinkedIn

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LinkedIn Lectures

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop an excellent LinkedIn profile
  • Learn a great etiquette and how to engage with professionals on LinkedIn
  • Develop confidence in growing your network of business professionals
  • Find the right LinkedIn professionals you would like to get in front of
  • Be confident in starting or changing your career journey
  • Stand out from the crowded jobs market
  • Understand how to use storytelling in your LinkedIn profile to stand out from the crowd and be found
  • How to communicate with your connections in a professional and proper way
  • Find the right people and companies to connect to
  • Locate the right companies with job vacancies in your region


This LinkedIn course is aimed at anyone who would like to improve and leverage their LinkedIn.  This course is aimed at business professionals, students, educational professionals and anyone who is looking to improve their LinkedIn profile and not just maintain it, but leverage it further.

Business professionals are the largest represented members on LinkedIn and many have little or no knowledge how to leverage LinkedIn for their own personal reputation, either within their employer or as a personal brand for their own business.  LinkedIn is now THE premium business development and lead generation tool of choice.

Furthermore students are the fastest demographic on LinkedIn, with a presence of around 39 million globally.  Students who are not yet on LinkedIn, and there are plenty, will potentially lose out on being found by employers and equally will not find the perfect job for their aspirations. All Fortune 500 companies are represented on LinkedIn, which makes the platform and excellent place for you to connect with your future potential colleagues. Even if you are still in education or planning some further education, the time is appropriate right now to start developing your professional profile on LinkedIn.

And last but definitely not least, educational professionals are miles behind the curve of knowing how to educate young people from the age of 13 on how to use social media and prepare themselves properly for the world of work.  LinkedIn is an essential tool in any young person's toolbox for getting in front of the right decision makers to achieve their employment of choice.  90% of all jobs are achieved through recommendation and/or referral.

This course will provide you with all the necessary instruction to develop a stellar LinkedIn profile. The course is primarily made up of video lectures and also includes a number eBook downloads, free of charge.

All social networking sites change and move on and it is my objective to update with new lectures that will reflect the changes on LinkedIn. 

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals who work for an employer and need a professional profile
  • Professionals who are looking for a career move and need a professional profile
  • Business owners, who need to develop their own personal brand on LinkedIn
  • Students who are developing their work experience
  • Students who are looking for an apprenticeship
  • Students who are about to go to further education e.g. University
  • Students who are looking to find a job
  • Educational staff who wish to learn about LinkedIn and support students



  • LinkedIn
  • Social Media Marketing






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