Our Life is a merely a mirror of all the processes that happen in our mind.
In this course we will find how we can achieve a life that is more free, healthy, happy and fulfilled.
This is done through gaining understanding about who we are and how the past still has an impact on our life and how we can use Vision work + the realizations of Epigenetics and Quantum physics on how we can have an influence over the way our life unfolds.
Inner child work is an approach to recognizing and healing childhood trauma.
It recognizes that our behaviors as an adult stem from our childhood experiences. Inner child work focuses on addressing our unmet needs by reparenting ourselves.
The biggest reason why it is so relevant is that the difficult situations or conflicts we find in our current life almost always have their source in old emotional baggage or belief systems that were created in the past. And by resolving them we can act more freely and step into our future without these things holding us back
What new age Law Of Attraction is missing
The greatest flaw I see in the Idea of the LoA, Manifestation, Affirmations is that is does not consider that the old programs in our subconscious mind, that were created mostly in childhood are working against our efforts to envision a "better" future.
That is why I decided to add a live element to this course.
Every week there will be one Q&A Session in which we will go over the contents of the course and you will have room to ask any questions that might come up
I am looking forward to seeing you there!