This course will teach you in a systematic way how to learn the smps transformer. what is an smps transformer and where we are using in our daily life. now day all the power supply mobile chrgers,welding machine,BLDC fans, high voltage power supply, voltage multiplyers all are using high frequecny transformer due to its size and power rating features.
here i have explained the theory as well as the practical expouser to understand in better way.
if you know the operation of instruments like LCR Meter,mili Ohm Meter,Multimeter then you can find out the any smps transformer all the parameters which make the transformer and with the help of that you can design its equivelent circuit model in LT spice which is an open source circuit modeling and simulation software. here i have explain how to use the LT spice and make the any SMPS transformer circuit model and how to perform its simulation to check weather transfomer is working as per our requirments or not. you can see its input voltage and output voltage waveform in the real time graph forms which will give you the clear idea that how the transformer is behaving as per the input given.
also i have explain the core selection guide to chooes proper ferrite core for the high frequency transformer design.