There are lots of forms of management in terms of style, approach and techniques. There are also a series of different ways you should organize a business strategy, and standards that you should or even have to follow depending on your business. The tests presented here will question you on terms and topics related to some of these styles, approaches and techniques. Practice through these series of questions and see how much you know. Knowing many of these terms can be utilized in a variety of careers and different fields including management consulting, business coaching, marketing, business development, sales, startup advising, freelance work, and many others. Without knowing the basic terminology, you are doing yourself a great disservice by not being involved in the language of business. These terms aren't just worth knowing for the sake of knowing, but are worth applying. There are ways to strength your vocabulary and make sure you are equipped in your toolset with the basic knowledge that every person going into business management should have. This is true whether working for the government, private corporate life or being involved in your own startups and overseeing various people, contracts and deals. Test your knowledge today and see how much you already know.