Managing Project Stakeholder Relationships

We have to understand and manage project stakeholders to successfully complete projects.

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Managing Project Stakeholder Relationships

What You Will Learn!

  • Identify Project Stakeholders
  • Define Requirements and Expectations of Project Stakeholders
  • Analyse Project Stakeholders
  • Learn Tool and Techniques For Stakeholder Management
  • Plan Staleholder Engagement and Control Stakeholder Engagement Status


In this training, the importance of project stakeholder management, the way to be followed and methods to be used, from determining stakeholders to measuring stakeholder performance, are explained.

Courses and briefly their contents are as follows;

1- "Who Are the Project Stakeholders?", you will learn who are our stakeholders.

2- "Why is Project Stakeholder Management Important?", you will learn about the importance of stakeholder management.

3- "Plan Stakeholder Engagement", you will learn about the plannig process of stakeholder engagement.

4- "Identify Stakeholders", you will learn how to identify project stakeholders

5-"How to Prepare a Stakeholder List", you will how to prepare a stakeholder list based on examples. You can access the Excel templates of the lists mentioned under Lecture 5.

6-"Important Points About Project Stakeholders",  you will learn the things we need to pay attention to in order to understand the stakeholders.

7-"Expectations from Stakeholders", you will learn the importance of determining what we expect from stakeholders as a Project Manager.

8-"What Are The Expectations of Project Stakeholders?", you will learn that the expectations of project stakeholders. These will form the scope of the project and should be handled very well.

9-"What is Stakeholder Analysis?", you will learn the importance of project stakeholder analysis.

10-"Analytical Techniques in Stakeholder Analysis", you will learn the techniques used for project stakeholder analysis.

11-"Stakeholder Response Assessment Analysis", you will learn about stakeholder responses assesment analysis.

12-"Stakeholder Engagement Plan", you will learn the importance of stakeholder engagement plan.

13-"Managing Stakeholder Engagement", you will learn the importance of managing stakeholders.

14-"Leadership Types", you will learn the types of leadership that the Project Manager can exhibit depending on the project and the situation.

15-"Personality Types", you will learn the possible personality types of the project stakeholders.

16-"Communication with Stakeholders", you will learn the basic methods preferred to communicate with stakeholders.

17-"Stakeholders Management Methods and Motivators", you will learn the techniques about how to approach senior management, departments, external resources and project team.

18- "Motivators", you will learn how to motivate the stakeholders.

19-"Stakeholder Engagement Control", you will learn how stakeholders can be managed and understand the importance of their engagement.

20-"How to Measure Stakeholder Work Performance", you will learn about how we can measure the performance of our stakeholders.

You should remember each lesson and try techniques in your projects and improve yourself in understanding and managing your stakeholders.

Who Should Attend!

  • Project Managers
  • Project Sponsors
  • Project Team Members
  • Program Managers
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Senior Managers
  • Functional Managers



  • Stakeholder Management






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