Managing Projects

Master the art of managing an organisational project from start to finish

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Managing Projects

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the role of projects in organisations
  • How to create a project scope statement
  • How to create a work breakdown structure
  • How to create a project schedule
  • How to create a project budget
  • How to manage risk on a project
  • Understand project communication and how to engage stakeholders
  • Understand how to finish a project in style


Projects are becoming a more and more popular way of doing work. The ability to manage projects on behalf of your organisation is an important skill to learn and one that will also position you for future career progression.

You need to know some theory relating to project management  and you can learn that via this course and other such courses. More importantly you need to apply this learning to real-life projects as projects involve people and unique situations which one can only master on the job.

This course consists of a series of videos as well as supporting presentation slides and activities. To get the most out of the course you should select a real-life project you are busy with or planning to implement at your organisation and work through the activities at the end of each section using your specific project.

A project starts with an idea - we start by discussing project ideas: where they can be found, how to decide if they are good or bad ideas and how to move from an idea to a project concept. You will learn what the project lifecycle is, how to screen ideas and how to select projects.

Once you have selected a project you will work through how to get the project started and how to plan a project. The main focus is how to develop and use a schedule to guide you. If you know how to develop a schedule you are on your way towards project success so we spend quite a bit of time on this topic.

There are also a number of informative videos relating to managing project risk, project budgets, project communication and stakeholder engagement as well as how to finish a project in style.

The course takes a step by step approach to project management to facilitate learning however in real-life projects do not happen in a straight line so we also discuss changes and different approaches to projects.

The course is not about project management software although there are demos using MS Project as well as Asana to explain certain concepts better. Once you have finished this course you will find it much easier to learn to use any of the 600+ project management software packages on the market.

Please enrol and become an intentional project manager!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for learners that would like to learn how to manage projects on behalf of thier organisation. For example subject matter experts or administrators who have been asked to manage a project or part of a project. "Accidental" project managers i.e. those not plannign on being project managers but finding themselves in a position where they have been tasked to manage a project.




