What You Will Learn!
- Effectively manage decentralized teams.
- Tools for monitoring progress and performance.
- Leadership principles for aligning team members to corporate goals.
- Practical guide on frequency and scheduling of communications.
- Protocol guide for communications before, during, and after online meetings.
- Tips for digitalization of processes.
- Time management and deliverables monitoring.
- Improve productivity and profitability through empowerment.
- Tips & tricks for managing remote team members who have kids
- Mental heath check questions to help isolated team members.
Managers often find themselves leading teams digitally, but are not often given the tools for how to lead remotely. This course covers practical and affective tools and processes for remote team leadership and management, taught by a Professor of Strategic Management with more than 20 years of experience on remote working teams.
Who Should Attend!
- Managers and members of remote teams.
- Professionals wanting to get into the gig economy.
- Leaders of decentralized teams who want more effective tools for leadership.