Mandibular Deprogramming is the first essential step for any successful physical rehabilitation therapy. The act of cancelling out the negative interferences created by an unbalanced craniofacial system, allows the body's systems to recalibrate and find their natural balance. This course contains all the necessary tools and strategies you need to learn to achieve successful Mandibular Deprogramming in your treatments. We will cover the M.P.R. (Myofunctional postural Rehabilitation) Protocol for Diagnosing Posture using tests, observation and different instruments, as well as the available therapeutic protocol, complete with a practice video, for students to fully grasp the course's notions.
In this course students will learn to use the necessary tools and protocol to achieve Mandibular Deprogramming, and supporting their rehabilitation therapies. A special section is dedicated to B.E.D.: a simple yet essential tool for treating TMD in patients of all ages. In this course students will learn about the TMJ’s relation to body posture, and how to integrate B.E.D. into their practice to protect and deprogram the TMJ.
Completing this course will provide health and rehabilitation practitioners with effective, simple to use, tools and methods, to help accurately diagnose and treat Craniofacial System imbalances and dysfunctions.