Marimba for Beginners

An introductory course to the African marimba

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Marimba for Beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand 3 basic chords used on Marimba. i.e. find and play the notes that belong in each of the chords C,F and G.
  • Understand the South African Goema groove. i.e. Play the Goema groove while transitioning between different chords.
  • Understand the South African Kwela groove: i.e. Play the Kwela groove while transitioning between different chords.
  • Perform the South African well-known tune "In the Jungle (the Lion Sleeps tonight)", using the Goema groove
  • Perform the South African well-known tune "Meadowlands", using the Kwela groove


This introductory marimba course is designed for aspiring musicians and percussion enthusiasts who wish to explore the unique and melodious world of the African marimba. The course is suitable for beginners with little to no prior experience with the instrument. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will gain a foundational understanding of marimba techniques, music theory, and performance skills. In this African marimba course we will be diving into basic chords, two grooves or rhythms as well as two well-known African songs. Students will play along with our instructor, Luthando, who will explain lessons with in-depth background knowledge about the history of the marimba as well as the songs. At the end of each song there will also be a play-along lesson where students will get to play with a full marimba band and vibe out with Jam Meisters. Students will be encouraged to engage in self-reflection and peer feedback to enhance their learning experience. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a solid foundation in marimba playing, enabling them to pursue further studies in percussion or enjoy the instrument recreationally. This course sets the stage for a lifelong appreciation of the marimba and its rich musical possibilities.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner musicians/ marimba players who are keen to learn to play an instrument
  • Beginner instrumentalists who are keen to learn about a South African instrument and South African Music
  • World music enthusiasts who are keen to learn about South African music
  • Beginner musicians who are keen to learn a practical instrument, without needing to read Western Music notation.




