Master C++ Programming: 5 Comprehensive Practice Tests: 2023

Demonstrate your C++ expertise with 130 comprehensive practice questions and refine your logical reasoning abilities.

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Master C++ Programming: 5 Comprehensive Practice Tests: 2023

What You Will Learn!

  • Comprehensive understanding of C++ programming language.
  • Practical application of C++ concepts in real-world scenarios.
  • Proficiency in handling data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming.
  • Preparation for C++ proficiency through 5 practice tests.


Introducing an extensive C++ practice tests course, specifically designed to help students strengthen their programming skills and achieve mastery over the C++ language. This course includes four comprehensive practice tests comprising a total of 130 questions, providing ample opportunities for students to immerse themselves in a wide range of programming scenarios and improving their logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities along the way.

Throughout this course, students will explore the fundamental concepts of C++, covering a broad spectrum of topics, including data types, control structures, functions, classes, object-oriented programming, data structures, file handling, algorithms, and more. Each practice test consists of 25 carefully crafted questions that encourage students to think critically and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. At the end you will get  5 real time scenario code exercise to work upon so your can improve your practical knowledge

By actively participating in the practice tests, students will gain proficiency in writing efficient and optimized code. They will learn to tackle common programming challenges, debug errors, and handle exceptions effectively. Moreover, the tests will focus on enhancing both theoretical understanding and practical coding skills, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience.

As students progress through the practice tests, they will develop confidence in tackling complex coding challenges. They will acquire a deep understanding of C++ syntax and semantics, enabling them to write clean, maintainable code. Additionally, students will familiarize themselves with best practices and coding patterns commonly employed in the industry, thoroughly preparing them for real-world programming tasks.

The Practice Test Covers below Topics:

  1. Basics of C++

    • Data types, variables, and constants

    • Control structures (if, else, switch, loops)

    • Functions and function overloading

  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Classes and objects

    • Constructors and destructors

    • Member variables and access specifiers (public, private, protected)

    • Inheritance and its types (single, multiple, multilevel)

    • Polymorphism (function overloading, overriding)

  3. Memory Management

    • Dynamic memory allocation (new and delete operators)

    • Smart pointers (unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr)

  4. STL (Standard Template Library)

    • Containers (vector, list, map, set, etc.)

    • Iterators

    • Algorithms (sorting, searching, etc.)

  5. Exception Handling

    • try, catch, throw blocks

    • Standard exceptions (e.g., std::runtime_error, std::logic_error)

  6. Templates, Move Semantics, and Advanced Concepts

    • Templates and generic programming

    • Template specialization

    • Move constructors and move assignment operators

    • Lambda expressions

    • Threading and concurrency (basics of multithreading in C++)

Enroll now to test your C++ knowledge, identify strengths and weaknesses, and improve your coding skills with a comprehensive assessment. Discover your proficiency in fundamental concepts and get tailored feedback for a more effective learning journey. Prepare yourself for real-world programming challenges and excel in the C++ language.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who want to learn C++ from scratch and build a solid foundation in programming.
  • Intermediate C++ developers who want to strengthen their understanding of advanced C++ concepts and practices.
  • Aspiring software engineers or programmers aiming to enhance their C++ skills for career growth.
  • Students or professionals preparing for C++ proficiency exams or coding interviews.




