Predictive Maintenance Master is the complete guide to learn everything about this great maintenance engineering tool. The course covers all the management implications and the techniques that relate to predictive maintenance. As maintenance engineers you will be able to start implementing a solid predictive maintenance program defining schedules, costs and designing every aspect of It. As maintenance technicians, you will find a lot of useful notions and practical suggestions on how to perform predictive controlla and analysis. The course starts by defining predictive maintenance and its perimeter, and explaining how this maintenance tool can improve production and product quality.
Then the course goes on giving a general overview of the main predictive maintenance techniques that will be deepened in detail further on. Notions will be given about vibration monitoring, Thermography, Tribology, Ultrasonics, electric motor analysis, process parameters analysis, Visual inspections and other techniques.
At this point details about program costs and benefits are given.
The core part of the course deals with the main predictive techinques in details.
Vibration analysis it's explained starting from the definition of vibration and going through the different aspects that relate to the practice of measuring and monitoring vibrations, including the causes that originate them. Dynamics of different mechanical components will be described.
Another important topic that relates to vibration analysis, is the implementation of a data collecting system and database. Information will be given on how to analyse data collected and how to set alert and alarm limits.
The course goes on, giving students a panorama of the existing instruments and installed systems to measure vibrations and the main trending techniques.
After vibration analysis thermography, tribology and ultrasonics are explained in details, as done for vibrations analysis.