Master Public Speaking: The Storyteller's Advantage

Elevate your speaking abilities with unique insight and practical advice from an award-winning filmmaker/public speaker

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Master Public Speaking: The Storyteller's Advantage

What You Will Learn!

  • Tips for dealing with and overcoming immobilizing fear
  • How to fortify yourself with confidence and adopt a proper mindset so you can deliver above the audience’s expectations
  • Identify potential hiccups, stresses, or roadblocks and address them with solutions
  • How to wield storytelling techniques and structure to deliver an engaging, entertaining speech
  • Translating your ideas and intentions into an effective, professional outline
  • How to rehearse well and find your process
  • How to incorporate feedback into strengthening your material
  • Practical tips for delivering an effective speech


Fear and inexperience around public speaking hold far too many people back. Public speaking is not a born skill – it's a muscle that anyone with commitment can build and master.

After seeing so many aspiring filmmakers struggle to pitch and sell their ideas, I realized how tragically ANYONE's career can be affected if they don't hone their public speaking skills. It's the difference between success and mediocrity for career professionals in any industry. So I decided to address that gap so people like you can achieve their full potential.

"Learn the Tricks & Tips of How to Speak Like a Pro”

  • Squash immobilizing fear

  • Leverage proven storytelling techniques

  • Speak to an audience's desire

  • Bolster your verbal communication skills

  • Prepare for unseen obstacles

In this course, we’ll go over mindset adjustment techniques like how to manage stress and build confidence, along with how to craft compelling speeches that capture hearts and attention while moving people to action.

Most other solutions in the public speaking space don't focus on fixing the root cause, and don't include the proven storytelling techniques that leave lasting impressions on audiences. Not understanding these core ideas is why most career professionals fail to improve their skill set, and as any successful person will tell you: being able to effectively communicate your ideas is essential to achieving your goals.

I've put in my 10,000 hours of public speaking. Having now synthesized all that I've learned, I can help you not make the same mistakes I did. We structured this course in a communal fashion – we teach the curriculum to a group of burgeoning public speakers just like yourself. This talkback format – made up of three modules, each with three lessons – allows you to join them for real-time questions, answers, and examples.

By taking this course you will gain insight on effective ways to prepare, how to craft compelling, memorable moments, and how to conquer your fears! Public speaking like a pro will help you master your next opportunity to impress your boss, rally colleagues, or deliver the perfect event speech.

Let's get to work.

Who Should Attend!

  • Career professionals who need to sharpen their public speaking in order to level up
  • Nonprofit team members who frequently interface with donors and speak at events
  • People entering the workforce looking to expand their marketable skill sets
  • Writers and filmmakers hoping to upgrade their pitching abilities
  • Aspiring executives and CEOs
  • High school debaters




