Mastering Public Speaking by David Lucas

Public Speaking with a conversational style using a simple format, audience analysis, cue cards, vocal tone, eye contact

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Mastering Public Speaking by David Lucas

What You Will Learn!

  • Speech Preparation
  • focus on improving delivery skills, including voice projection, tone modulation, pace, and articulation
  • teach participants how to analyze their audience, identify their needs and interests, and tailor their message accordingly
  • techniques and exercises to manage nervousness, including breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and other methods
  • Participants learn how to effectively use visual aids, such as slides, props, and multimedia, to support their message
  • Participants learn how to build arguments, use evidence to support their claims, appeal to emotions, and employ rhetorical devices to influence and persuade


This course is designed for beginners. In this course, you will learn how to create a public presentation from start to finish. You will also be able to learn how to identify your audience and speak to them in language terms that they will understand. This course will give you tips on how to overcome your nervousness and use strong posture techniques. This course includes:

Brainstorming for ideas and topics

Cue Cards for the presentation

Presentation Format - for flow and consistency

Overcoming Nervousness

Personality Types Extraverts vs Introverts

Eye Contact for engagement

Audience Analysis - Knowing who you are talking to

Scripts - Scripts can still be beneficial in the proper setting

Memorization - When to use this technique

Mirroring - How does it work?

Confident Posture - A proven science

There are also some practice exercises that will help you to develop your confidence and help you to deliver a phenomenal public presentation.

Public Speaking is a skill and like most skills, it must be practiced to improve. We see many people today using this skill on social media. Many are unaware of why some people are so talented at the practice. I believe it begins with the intention and the fundamentals of Public Speaking. We will begin by discussing how to prepare for a Public Presentation. Then we will get into the practical techniques.

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals in various fields, such as business, sales, marketing, or leadership, can benefit from a public speaking course.
  • Students of all ages, from high school to college and beyond, can benefit from a public speaking course
  • Entrepreneurs often need to pitch their business ideas, products, or services to potential investors, partners, or customers
  • ob seekers can greatly benefit from a public speaking course, as it enhances their interviewing skills and their ability to confidently articulate their qualifications and experiences
  • Public speaking skills are essential for nonprofit leaders, community organizers, and activists who aim to raise awareness, inspire action, and engage with their communities.
  • Public speaking courses are particularly valuable for individuals who may feel anxious or lack confidence when speaking in public
  • Public speaking courses offer valuable personal growth opportunities by enhancing communication skills, self-expression, and self-confidence
  • Overall, anyone looking to improve their communication, presentation, and public speaking skills can benefit from a public speaking course




