Mastering Sales Cold Calling

In cold calling there is a gold standard that changes little over time. This course teaches you that gold standard!

Ratings 4.02 / 5.00
Mastering Sales Cold Calling

What You Will Learn!

  • In cold calling there is a gold standard that changes little over time. This course will teach you that gold standard!
  • This course will teach you the skill of selling and gaining appointments by telephone.
  • This course will give you a range of tips to make your use of the telephone more effective.


Most courses on selling describe cold calling as a situation in which the salesperson picks up a phone, and goes straight through to a decision maker who talks openly about the issues affecting their business. In real life it is nothing like that!

Whether you plan to cold call or not this will be a useful course for you, because it gives a range of tips that will make your use of the telephone much more effective.

The truth is that if you want to be a star salesperson you have to be good on the phone!

Gaining appointments by telephone is a particular skill but one which can be readily learnt, this course details what you need to know to gain that skill.

This course is full of advice that is useful and practical. Be assured it contains no management jargon!

Who Should Attend!

  • Salespeople.
  • Entrepreneurs.
  • Any individual who uses the phone as part of their role.
  • This course is also useful for those who do not sell products or services directly over the phone.



  • Cold Calling
  • Sales Skills






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