Mastering Visual Studio Code (2024)

Boost your productivity with Visual Studio Code, the best code editor of the moment! Completely updated in 2024!

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Mastering Visual Studio Code (2024)

What You Will Learn!

  • Install and configure VSCode for your specific operating system
  • Explore the UI of VSCode and quickly learn how to customize it for your needs
  • Design state of the art projects and lint, refactor and debug your program all within your IDE
  • VSCode advanced debugging techniques for JS, Python, Java, C++
  • Analyze big codebases easily with VSCode
  • Develop remotely with SSH directly inside your IDE
  • Develop inside a Docker container
  • VSCode extensions for frameworks (React, Vue, Angular)
  • Source control inside the code editor and basic and intermediate Git commands. Authenticate VSCode for all source control operations.
  • Markdown, JSDoc, SQL, YML - edit them with powerfull syntax highlight
  • Python in VSCode
  • Java in VSCode
  • C++ in VSCode
  • GitHub Copilot inside VSCode


In just a few years, Visual Studio Code became the number 1 tool any programmer should use.

Even if you need a simple code editor, or a complex IDE, with rich features like refactoring, linting or debugger, VSCode is the tool you need.

Why use one tool for your HTML and CSS, one for your back-end development and another one for course control, when you can have everything you need in one single, fast and beautiful program: Visual Studio Code.

Welcome to my Mastering Visual Studio Code course, where you will learn everything you need about this awesome tool!

VSCode features and topics covered:

  • Installation and first steps

  • Visual and functional setup

  • Easily handle Visual Studio Code extensions

General programming topics:

  • Debugging

  • Refactoring

  • Code snippets

  • File formatting and comments

Use Visual Studio Code for JavaScript and TypeScript programming.

Debug NodeJs and Browser apps.

Use Visual Studio Code for Python or Java programming.

Learn about the most popular VSCode extensions and even build and test your own extension.

Use Remote capabilities of VSCode inside VMs and Docker.

Learn Source and version control with Visual Studio Code and GitHub. Learn about Basic Git commands and VSCode authentication for remote pushing.

Learn about advanced Visual Studio Code features like profiles or multi-cursor.

Course features list:

  • Installation and setup

  • VSCode interface guide

  • Command palette, key shortcuts, multi-cursor

  • VSCode extensions

  • Advanced debugging techniques

  • Use VSCode for web development: HTML, CSS and JS

  • Connect from VSCode with remote SSH

  • Use Docker and develop inside a container

  • Understand Markdown and JSDoc

  • VSCode for Python development

  • Create Java projects with VSCode

  • Use VS Code for C++ and C#

  • Build a VSCode extension with a data service using TypeScript

  • Master great extensions, like live share, Git lens, Code Runner, Remote Development and many more

  • Visual Studio Code tips and tricks

  • History of VSCode

You can practice VS Code with your own JavaScript/TypeScript project, or use the one provided by the instructor. The objective here is to help you understand deeply how VSCode works and how you can use it.

This course stands out with many advantages and highlights:

  • Demanded topic - Visual Studio Code is the number one development tool of the moment

  • Downloadable resources - all files used in the course are available for download

  • Updated content - completely updated for 2024

  • Concise content with respect for your time - most of the typing and idle times are cut. The course focuses on explanations

  • Beyond the basics structure: Visual Studio Code has great and up to date documentation. This course doesn't just walk you through it, instead it focuses on the difficult or weird parts, where you actually need guidance

  • Experienced and programming active instructor: a great teacher never looses touch with the industry. This is especially true for software development, where the industry is so dynamic. This helps the instructor stay up to date with the best coding guidelines and present you the challenging parts, not the "hello world"

  • Great visuals - dark background, big font, 1080p resolution. Video optimized even for mobile devices.

  • Certificate of completion

Enroll and unlock the key to great productivity, no matter what technology you develop!

Who Should Attend!

  • Web programmers and designers who want to use the best code editor
  • Experienced Python, Java or C++ programmers who want to switch to VSCode
  • IT professionals that need assistance with their text files (markdown, YML, JSON)



  • Visual Studio Code






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