Don't have Autodesk Maya?
Visit Autodesk's website to download a FREE 30-day trial to follow along in the course.
If you've ever wanted to learn Autodesk Maya but wasn't sure where to start - this course is the answer.
Taught by a former professional animator with over 10+ years of industry experience, you will learn how to create your own 3D project from scratch.
We will cover a wide range of topics including:
Setting up Maya's workspace and preferences
Modeling a robot arm using primitive objects
Using soft selection to modify geometry
Renaming objects in the outliner
Pivot points
Freezing transformations
Parent/child relationships
Locking attributes
Changing the materials on objects
Setting up and using a camera
Planning an animation
Giving inanimate objects personality
Setting keys
Essential animation shortcuts
Understanding the graph editor
Avoiding floaty animation
Basic constraints
How to block / refine / and polish an animation
3 point lighting setup
Exporting (playblasting) your animation
While the emphasis of this course is on animation, you will also learn foundational modeling, texturing, rigging, and lighting concepts that build on each other. In the end, you will learn to harness your creativity to create a final animated scene you can be proud of!
*Students are encouraged to take the knowledge they gain from this course and create an entirely original scene using basic primitives.