MCEP 2740 Machine Safety with the Mosaic Safety Controller

Using the Mosaic Safety Controller

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MCEP 2740 Machine Safety with the Mosaic Safety Controller

What You Will Learn!

  • Define basic objectives of Functional Machine Safety
  • Understand how to use the Automation Direct ReeR MOSAIC Safety Controller
  • Determine basic setup features to a Functional Safety Circuit
  • Understand common practices of Functional Machine Safety


This course is aimed at teaching beginning PLC programmers on how to use the Automation Direct ReeR Mosaic software to meet your machine safety needs. This course will cover everything from an introduction into machine safety principles, configuring the module and add-on modules, Input devices that are available, the functionality of these input devices, a walk through of how to program these devices to the outputs, configuring the outputs for proper functionality, configuring network communications, and lastly a brief overview of how to transfer information to the controller. We will also cover the topic of wiring this controller to our safety devices whether it be through discrete wiring or networking into the machines main controller (PLC) to reduce any additionally wires that would be needed in a traditional hard wired safety-monitored relay.

This course is designed with the learner in mind, understanding that using real world applications is a must for better understanding within the learning environment. This course will include two different real world examples for how to use this system that you can use within your own needed applications. We will also cover the topic of why a controller like this is so valuable when configuring two-hand controls and how a system like this can help reduce large amounts of wiring.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who want to learn more about Functional Machine Safety.




