Microprocessor 8085

Learn the fundamental aspects of 8085 microprocessor and implementation of examples using mnemonic language

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Microprocessor 8085

What You Will Learn!

  • The fundamental concepts of the microprocessors
  • Internal and external architectures of the microprocessor 8085
  • The mnemonic code of 8085 microprocessor and implementation of programs using assembly language
  • Examples of programs using the mnemonic code
  • The strategy for the development of a mnemonic code
  • The instruction of the microprocessor 8085


The microprocessor is a high-speed integrated circuit used in many domains to perform specific tasks. These tasks are interpreted by a particular language called "Mnemonic." This language is based on the abbreviation of instructions defined by the constructor as mnemonic codes. The present course provides the external and internal architecture of the 8085 microprocessor. First, an overview of the aspects of microprocessors will be tackled. Following, an essential phase will be evoked, which is resumed in the elaboration of an assembly program based on mnemonic codes by providing some famous examples. But before this step, we will study the different groups of instructions that rely on the 8085 microprocessor.

The essential points studied in the present course are given as follows:

- Definition of microprocessor

- The domains of application of microprocessors

- History of microprocessors

- The old generation of microprocessors

- The latest generation of microprocessors

- General structure of a typical calculator

- Hardware description of a microprocessor

- The functional scheme of a memory

- Interfacing of Microprocessor/memory

- Technical characteristics of the 8085 microprocessor

- External architecture of microprocessor 8085

- Internal architecture of microprocessor 8085

- The accessible and inaccessible registers of the 8085 microprocessor

- The strategy of development of a mnemonic code

- Writing programs in assembly language

- Instruction sets of microprocessor 8085

- Hardware interruptions of microprocessor 8085

- Addressing modes of the microprocessor 8085

- The different types of instructions

- Instructions for the 8085 microprocessor

- Some examples implemented on microprocessor 8085

Who Should Attend!

  • Basis of digital electronics
  • Base of microprocessor
  • Implementation of programs using mnemonic code



  • Microprocessors






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