Complete Microsoft Excel Master Class - 2024

Excel Formulas & Functions, Advance Excel Analytics, Case Studies, BI Dashboards, Charts, Macros & Practice Exercises

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Complete Microsoft Excel Master Class - 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • A Solid understanding of Excel
  • Basics of Excel from Scratch.
  • All Important 33+ Formulas in Excel which are very useful in day to day life.
  • Making your data look good & re presentable by using Formatting & Advance Formatting.
  • Explore all the things that can be done using Excel .e.g: Speaking Cells in Excel [ 21 Things that you can do in Excel are included in this section ]
  • Visualization of the data using Excel Charts and deriving Important Insights from them.
  • Harness the power of Pivot Charts by introducing Slicers and deriving Insights from them.
  • Advance Excel : Linear Regression, Goal Seeker & Solver by working on Real Life Consulting Projects.
  • Introduction to BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DASHBOARDS & building them from Scratch.
  • Solve 2 Real life Case Studies one building DASH BOARD from scratch for a school and putting hands on a Real Life consulting project for a Fertilizer Company
  • Macros: Learn to Automate things by recording a Macro and assigning a button to it.
  • 30+ Excel shortcuts useful in daily Life.


Welcome to the course,

Start your excel Journey by Harnessing the Full Potential of EXCEL today.

The World is moving at an unprecedented speed in the field of Data Analytics & Excel being one of the major tools. It becomes very important to learn it and make the best use of it.

Learning Excel and Advance Excel is like a powerful weapon in your Arsenal.

Either you are a starter in Excel or you have been using it or you are not confident enough to take your Excel Skills to the next level.

You are at the Right Place.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a student, graduate, post graduate, business manager or you are just waiting to enter your job but not clear what to learn before you join.

This course is just for you!! We at LOGISTICS & Supply Chain World completely understand the problem you face when you are a Student, Graduate, Post Graduate or Business Manager when it comes to Excel.

This course is designed keeping all the Problem in mind faced by Students, Graduate, Post Graduate or Business Manager. This course is one stop Solution for all your Problems in EXCEL.

This course has everything with regards to Excel A-Z tm

What makes us Eligible to teach this course?

We at LOGISTICS & Supply Chain World have experience working in the field of DATA ANALYTICS, LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN in MNC Companies. We have been using Excel for years together. This Experience makes us eligible to teach this course.

What all is covered in this course?

1. Course Introduction

2. Excel Basics

3. Excel Formulas ( Mathematical Formulas )

4. Excel Formulas ( Lookup Formulas

5. Excel Formulas ( Logical Formulas )

6. Excel Formulas ( Text Formulas )

7. Excel Formulas ( Date Formulas )

8. Formatting

9. Other Things in Microsoft Excel

10. Excel Charts

11. Pivot Chart

12. Advance Excel

13. Case Studies

14. Macros Basics

15. Excel Short Cuts

Please enroll in this course and take the maximum benefits of this course.

Best Regards,

LOGISTICS & Supply Chain World.

Who Should Attend!

  • Working Professionals [DATA ANALYST, RESEARCH SPECIALIST & BUSINESS MANAGERS] beginning their Data journey, High school students ,Professors , Graduates & Post Graduates and people from all phase of life who have the curiosity of learning EXCEL



  • Excel Charts
  • Excel Dashboard
  • Excel
  • Excel VBA






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