Mistakes made by the Service Advisors

This courses addressed to the current service advisors who is car service field as well to new service advisors

Ratings 0.00 / 5.00
Mistakes made by  the Service Advisors

What You Will Learn!

  • Mistakes made by the Service Advisors
  • Definition of the problem
  • Types of problems in the Workshops
  • Misunderstanding problems
  • Malpractice problems
  • Exploitation problems
  • Poor performance problems
  • The wisdom of identifying problems
  • The benefits of understanding the problems


This course entitled “Mistakes Made by Reception Engineers” is a guide and a reference for the trainee in which he recognizes the mistakes that have already occurred due to misunderstanding, exploitation of the customer, bad manners, or misbehavior with him. It is about the experiences of others who worked in the field of cars, and the trainee will gain experience and lessons. In avoiding mistakes and also acquiring the skill and good behavior in how to get out of them if he falls into such mistakes and the like.

It is certain that this guide cannot be dispensed with, as it bears the experiences of others, and whoever works in the field of cars and dealing with the public must face such problems, and the reception engineer who has experience and knowledge of the quality of these problems will solve them to the satisfaction of the customer and with minimal losses for the company in which he works. Therefore, I advise everyone who works in the automotive field, especially the reception engineer, to join this course because of its importance in his professional life, which makes him distinguished among his peers in solving the problems they face in field of car service maintenance.

Who Should Attend!

  • Training Objectives This course targets current Service advisors who are on the job, new engineers, supervisors, and front-line employees. The participant will understand most of the situations from which problems may arise, and they will get to know the roots of those problems, how they occurred and how they were addressed, and thus the trainee gets experience and a lesson to overcome or reduce these problems Or treat them and how to avoid them in the future.




