MLOps: Test your Skills. Explanations Included

Hand-made Practice Tests to evaluate your knowledge & skills in ML Model Deployment. Rich Explanations to questions

Ratings 4.68 / 5.00
MLOps: Test your Skills. Explanations Included

What You Will Learn!

  • MLOps principles
  • Continuous Delivery (CD) for ML models deployment
  • Monitoring & Logging ML models performance
  • AWS Sagemaker fundamentals & details
  • MLFLow & DVC operational principles


106 Questions (with Explanations) to test your MLOps skills.

This Course contains 6 Modules of questions on a pre-selected set of topics.

These are:

1. MLOps Basics

2. Continuous Delivery (CD)

3. ML models Monitoring & Logging (including Azure Machine Learning)

4. Advanced Topics in MLOps (triggers, model degradation, drifts etc.)

5. MLFlow + DVC (data version control)

6. Amazon Sagemaker

The majority of questions contain a detailed explanation of the answer. So, if you are stuck with a specific question that's no problem!

You can use the explanation provided as a starting point for diving deeper into the topic.

Here's an example of such a case:

Q: What dvc command updates already tracked changed files before pushing?

A:  dvc commit

Explanation: "after making changes to a file that is already being tracked by DVC (i.e. added previously with dvc add), you need to run "dvc commit" to update that file in the local cache before pushing the changes to remote storage with dvc push"

How good are you at:

- setting up CI-CD pipelines for ML models deployment?

- monitoring and Logging Machine Learning experiments with MLFlow?

- setting up and managing MLOps pipelines in AWS SageMaker?

- versioning datasets used to train ML with DVC?

Take the Practice tests and get an objective evaluation of your skillset!

The course is not static and Students' feedback influences it's development.

Who Should Attend!

  • Machine Learning Enthusiasts
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Analysts
  • Developers
  • AI professionals




