OWASP Mobile Top 10 Vulnerabilities Testing in Live devices

OWASP Top 10 | OWASP Mobile Top 10 | Kobiton - Application Testing on real devices

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OWASP Mobile Top 10 Vulnerabilities Testing in Live devices

What You Will Learn!

  • Author and Company Introduction
  • Getting started with Kobiton Platform - Top 5 Cloud based Application Testing Platform
  • Android Mobile Application Testing | Mobile Application Security Testing with Kobiton Platform
  • iOS Mobile Application Testing | Mobile Application Security Testing with Kobiton Platform


The course is specifically focused on OWASP Mobile Top 10 for Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment using Real Mobile Devices for the Android and iOS respectively.

Normally Android and iOS Devices not required in all the cases in Software Testing, But for the advanced testing and accuracy real devices would be helpful. So Testing Android and iOS Mobile Application in different live devices is not possible because of increased cost and time. But The Kobiton Cloud Testing Platform provides live devices to test iOS and Android Applications respectively. There are a lot more apps for automating cloud application testing, but Kobiton is ideal for multiple purposes.

Kobiton can be used for Software Testing as well as Security Testing. So this would be ideal for Security Testing and VAPT as well.

Kobiton have much complicated user interface but having useful features for Software Testers, QA Testers and Security Testers and Auditors. In the course we tried to simplify the Platform Walk-through with Security Testing as much as we can.

After completion of this course, The learners will able to operate and utilize Kobiton Platform for Security Testing and Software Testing requirements.

The course is only for specific peoples like QA, Software Testers, etc. More details available at the Intended Learners Section.

Who Should Attend!

  • QA Testers curious about automatic cloud application testing tools
  • Software Developers and Software Publishers wish to automate software/application testing process with cloud app testing tools
  • Software Testers learning or adopting cloud application testing model for their organization
  • A thorough review of Kobiton - A Cloud based Software testing tool
  • Beginner QA testers curious about cloud based software testing tools
  • Beginner Software testers curious about: "automation tools used in software testing"
  • Computer Science Students curious and learn about "Cloud Application Testing Tools"
  • Business Software Purchase decision makers before making any purchase decision for the Cloud Testing tools for their organizations
  • Software Testing Companies looking to automate and Deploy Advanced Testing Softwares/Solutions
  • QA Testing Companies looking to Deploy Kobiton Cloud Solution
  • Cybersecurity Entrusiasts curious about Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment using Real iOS & Android Devices




