Modeling Legacy

Building on the Past to Establish Legacy

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Modeling Legacy

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the role that terror management plays in the formation of legacy
  • Explore the concept of social capital within the family context, examining how it establishes the framework for family structure
  • Examine the impact of familial relationships on career decisions, considering discussions, connections, & the influence of family friends & business networks
  • Comprehend the Interplay of Generational Dynamics


Embark on a transformative journey with our online course, "Modeling Legacy," the second installment of our comprehensive trilogy. This dynamic course comprises five illuminating modules, each meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricate facets of building a lasting legacy.

Module 1: Legacy Model Delve into the foundation of legacy building, exploring key principles, and strategies that showcase the diverse ways individuals, families, and their organizations have left an indelible mark on the world.

Module 2: Career Identity Uncover the symbiotic relationship between personal and professional identity, discovering how aligning your career with your family values contributes to a meaningful and enduring legacy.

Module 3: Generativity Explore the concept of generativity and its pivotal role in shaping a legacy that extends beyond personal achievements, fostering a positive impact on future generations.

Module 4: Social Exchange Master the art of meaningful connections and collaborations, understanding how social exchange enhances your ability to create a legacy that resonates with a broader community.

Module 5: Modeling Legacy Synthesize your learning by applying the course principles to your unique context, crafting a personalized plan to model and leave a lasting legacy in your chosen sphere.

Join us on this enriching expedition, where knowledge meets action, and together, we'll pave the way for a legacy that stands the test of time. Enroll now and redefine your journey towards a legacy that matters.

Who Should Attend!

  • Life learners, entrepreneurs, business owners, and persons wanting to develop themselves for leadership and fulfill life purpose.




