Specialization Courses

Sub Categories

Redacting Sensitive Data with the DLP API

This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. Redacting Sensitive Data with...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Redes neuronales convolucionales con Keras

Este proyecto es un curso práctico y efectivo para aprender a generar redes neuronales convolucional...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Regex Python - Découvrir les Expressions Régulières

Dans ce projet guidé, vous découvrirez les expressions régulières (RegEx) en Python. Tout développeu...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Regresión (ML) en la vida real con PyCaret

Este proyecto es un curso práctico y efectivo para aprender todo lo que necesitas saber acerca de lo...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Regresión logística con NumPy y Python

Bienvenidos a este curso basado en un proyecto de regresión logística con Numpy y Python. En este pr...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Regression with Automatic Differentiation in TensorFlow

In this 1.5 hour long project-based course, you will learn about constants and variables in TensorFl...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Regular Expressions in Python

In this 1-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to construct regex patterns, validate p...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Reigniting Employee Engagement

Welcome to Reigniting Employee Engagement with Professors J. Sanchez-Burks and Cheri Alexander. Enga...

University/Institute: University of Michigan

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Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses

Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses is the third course in the Data Warehousing for Busi...

University/Institute: University of Colorado System

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Relational Databases - MySQL - قواعد البيانات العلائقية

في هذه الدورة التدريبية القائمة على المشروع والتي تستغرق ساعة واحدة، ستتعلم كيفية استخدام لغة الاستع...

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

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Relationship Management

To be a successful engineer, you must work and play well with others. This course focuses on develop...

University/Institute: Rice University

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Relationship Management and Business Development

Welcome to the "Relationship Management and Business Development" course! Building and managing rela...

University/Institute: Starweaver

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Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 简体中文

本课程指导学员运用久经考验的设计模式在 Google Cloud 上构建高度可靠且高效的解决方案。它是“Google Comp...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kursus ini membekali peserta dengan keterampilan untuk membuat solusi yang sangat andal dan efisien...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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Rent-a-VM to Process Earthquake Data

This is a self-paced lab that takes place in the Google Cloud console. In this lab you spin up a vir...

University/Institute: Google Cloud

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