Mr. Sutton Presents... AP Calculus AB

A clear, concise, no-nonsense guide to AP Calculus AB

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Mr. Sutton Presents... AP Calculus AB

What You Will Learn!

  • Evaluate limits and determine continuity
  • Find derivatives of functions
  • Apply derivatives to problems with extrema, motion, and related rates
  • Find integrals of functions and use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • Apply integrals to problems with differential equations, motion, accumulation and area/volume
  • Content focused on the material and problem types actually covered on the AP Exam


Mr. Sutton Presents... AP Calculus AB

Let's cut out the fluffy description and get right to the point.  You are looking for a convenient, self-paced way to learn some quality mathematics.  You want a teacher who speaks, writes and explains clearly and without rambling in his videos.  You want lots of practice problems with answers you can look up.  You want to pay as little as possible for all this!

Here is what all of my courses offer:

  • Clear, concise videos that get to the point quickly with just enough "back story" to provide context, just enough "application" to spice it up, and carefully chosen examples to model the process.

  • PDF versions of each lesson if you get sick of my voice or want to look back without hunting through the video.  All lessons were recorded with PowerPoint slides, so you don't have to decipher my handwriting.

  • A printable guided notes handout allowing you to fill-in-the-blanks while you watch each lesson.  Very helpful if you learn better by writing things down but want to avoid needless rewriting or a disorganized jumble!

  • 2-4 practice problem sets per lesson, including printable handouts AND both PDF and video solutions of every single practice problem -- an extra 20-30 hours of video content!

  • End-of-chapter practice quizzes (with handouts and PDF/video solutions) to review multiple concepts at once.

Here is what this course covers:

  1. Limits and Continuity

    1. Intuitive Limits - Finite

    2. Intuitive Limits - Infinite

    3. Algebraic Limits - Polynomials and Rational Functions

    4. Algebraic Limits - Piecewise Functions

    5. Limits at Infinity

    6. Continuity

    7. Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT)

    8. Rate of Change

  2. Derivatives

    1. The Power Rule

    2. Differentiability

    3. Graphing Derivatives

    4. Product and Quotient Rules

    5. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

    6. Chain Rule

    7. Implicit Differentiation

    8. Tangent Lines and Higher Order Derivatives

    9. Derivatives of Exponential Functions

    10. Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions

    11. Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

  3. Applications of Derivatives

    1. Extreme Values of Functions

    2. Increasing and Decreasing Intervals

    3. Local Extrema

    4. Concavity

    5. Points of Inflection

    6. Graphical Analysis

    7. Mean Value Theorem

    8. Linearization

    9. Derivatives of Inverses

    10. L'Hospital's Rule

    11. Motion

    12. Related Rates

  4. Integrals

    1. Antiderivatives

    2. Definite Integrals - Geometric Approach

    3. Rectangular Approximation Method (RAM)

    4. Trapezoidal Rule

    5. Properties of Definite Integrals

    6. FTC - Derivative of an Integral

    7. FTC - Graphical Analysis

    8. FTC - Integral Evaluation (Polynomials)

    9. FTC - Integral Evaluation (Non-Polynomials and Function Values)

    10. Average Value

    11. Integration by Substitution

  5. Applications of Integrals

    1. Differential Equations in One Variable

    2. Separable Differential Equations

    3. Slope Fields

    4. Exponential Growth and Decay

    5. Motion and Position

    6. Total Distance

    7. Accumulation Problems

    8. Rate In Rate Out

    9. Area Between Curves

    10. Volume - Solids of Revolution

    11. Volume - Cross-Sections

    12. Integration With Respect to the Y-Axis

Who Should Attend!

  • Students preparing for the AP Exam in AB Calculus or high school/college students just looking for a challenging Calculus course




