My setbacks and strategies of preparations / doing a work .

How to do a work , setbacks and strategies of preparation .

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My setbacks and strategies of preparations / doing a work .

What You Will Learn!

  • How to understand your abilities to do work .
  • Learn setbacks in doing a work.
  • Power of habits .
  • Importance of sleep .


1. So hello students , in this course we are going to talk about that how to do a work without distractions .

2. So when you are doing a work ,  you will have many distractions like you may think to do some another work or you may have stress, so in this course where going to talk about this topics.

3. We are also going to talk about the setbacks in which we failed to do a work.

4. We will also talk about the strategies which we can have when we are getting failed in doing a work , so not every strategy is for everyone some strategies are useful to some people .

5. So when we are making a strategy to do a work ,  we should understand ourself that what the are abilities which we have , so according to the abilities of ourself we should make a strategy. for example - if a person have a habit of working in the night time then it is his ability do the work which he is not able to complete in the day time, so this type of use of abilities we can do to make a strategy, now same strategy will not work on a person who does not have the ability to do work in the night so according to the abilities of a person we should make a strategy to do a work.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants a begin a work .
  • Anyone who is preparing for examinations.
  • anyone who is working on a project.




