Mystery Babylon

How Ancient Biblical Prophecies Shaped the Modern World

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Mystery Babylon

What You Will Learn!

  • Be able to Decode Ancient Biblical Prophecies to unravel the Enigma of Mystery Babylon, and clearly identify who she is in the earth today
  • Be able to Unveil the ancient roots of our present day Global System of Rule from the Bible, understand its legacy and implications for us and the world today
  • Unravel the legacy of Mystery Babylon through scripture, exploring its influence today & Its implications for current world affairs
  • Understand the unfolding of her judgement in the end of days as prophetically foretold in the Bible.


This course looks at what the Bible calls the global 'Beast' System in which we all live today in the Fourth Beast, under the reign of the 7th King to be precise, and goes back to her origins in antiquity under the Assyrians to show the whole unfolding of this Mystery through time to our present day, and shows that she is essentially the manifestation of a very ancient Biblical prophecy given by the Prophet Daniel in Babylon, in the seventh century BC. She is deemed to be a 'Mystery', because many are unaware that we actually live in 'Mystery Babylon' today.  Many are also more of the opinion that 'The Beast', or Beast system, in terms of the 'global economic-political' system that John the Revelator wrote so prolifically about in his Book of Revelations, as the global economic system in which no one would be able to buy or sell unless they receive its mark, is a system that will come into being at some future point in time. However, this is a fallacy as we'll show, as we all already currently live within the Beast system today.  All prophetic indicators for the introduction of the mark have essentially already been fulfilled, with global governments now grappling to introduce precursors to the mark, the final prophetic indicator, via various forms of digital/ crypto- currencies.

In this course we provide evidence for the veracity of the Word of God, showing how the prophets foretold the unfolding of this history, from her inception, under her first King, to the end of days.  We unveil Mystery Babylon as she sits amongst us in the earth today, as we now await the arrival of her 8th and final King. You'll see how the manifestation of these ancient Biblical prophecies which were proclaimed as much as 8 and 7 centuries before the coming of Christ Himself, have played out in the earth to the very letter precisely as they were foretold by the prophets; and in their unfolding, see the reflection of our own lives as well, being guided by the careful and benevolent hand of A Most High, Holy and Eternal God who encompasses, guides, and holds the unfolding of our days in His hands; as His Words become our, and world History.

Who Should Attend!

  • Christians, believers in God, though novices and/ athiests might also find of interest. It is simple enough for someone who knows v little about the Bible to follow.




