Narcissistic Abuse Decontamination

Decontaminate yourself from the toxicity of Narcissistic Abuse.

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Narcissistic Abuse Decontamination

What You Will Learn!

  • This course aims for your mind to focus on you instead of the narcissist.
  • Learn to have thoughts about yourself that will be of assistance to you, enabling you to thrive instead of being stuck in negative thoughts patterns.
  • The discovery of the innate ability to identify toxicity within your body brought on by narcissistic encounters.
  • Decontaminate yourself from the identified toxicity that has entered you through such encounters.
  • This course aims for you to be better armed against further control and manipulation from the narcissist.
  • Easily learn about the activation of the Reticular Activation System so it can act as a self updating and self upgrading system towards freedom and thriving.
  • Avoid being triggered by the Narcissist in your life or their flyingm monkeys.


--  This is an Audio Only Course.  --

This course is for people who are looking for relief after narcissistic abuse.

If you are reading this right now, you are probably experiencing that gross and depleted feeling post narcissistic abuse.

Whether you are still in a narcissistic relationship, or you are physically free from it now (the person may even be dead)  -  the effects can still stay with you for quite sometime, manifesting itself in all sorts of ways, and decontamination from the toxicity is always a good option to consider so you can live your best life as your true self.

This course offers something you could try and experience for such a decontamination.

This is a course not for the linear, logical, or rational mind.   If you are looking for scientific technical details on narcissists, and a lot of other psychological and therapy terms,  then this course is not for you. 

This course relies on other understandings. This course is designed to communicate certain knowledges to you in a way that does not engage the logical thinking mind.   This course is designed to speak to your subconscious and the innate skill and ability that you already have within you, so there is not much thinking, or note taking, or quizzes and such to be done.   There will be one pdf to download, but it is only half a page and it is something anyone can easily answer.  You can almost imagine this course as watching the videos and listening to the recording for entertainment purposes.   There is no preparation needed to be done, come as you are.

The video lectures in itself are quite short, a lot of the communication is done in pictures and other means. The bulk of the material are digital products, which are available for you to download so you can listen to them at your convenience if you wish.

There will be some parts where there will be some simple engagement from you, but for the most part you simply need to do as little as possible.

The files itself are not designed to promote any religion or scientific idea, but the words are strung together a particular way for the end goal of relief, for your audio enjoyment and benefit.

The course and the digital products with it is designed to gain as much change for as little time with minimal effort to give you relief from that feeling you get after narcissistic abuse, or at the very least, a toxic encounter.

The more you listen to the files, the more effective it will be at establishing your new neural arc.

Simply listen to the files - the more you listen to the files, the more you can expect the changes that will come to be natural, organic, and seemingly effortless. 

Who Should Attend!

  • This is for people seeking relief/respite from the effects of Narcissistic Abuse, whether the abuse is ongoing or in the past.
  • This is for people who want to decontaminate mentally and spiritually after exposure to a narcissist.
  • This is for people who want to focus on positive, growth-enabling thoughts over ruminating about the Narcissist.
  • This is for people who want to change the chemical makeup within their body: decrease stress hormones and break the chains of the trauma bond.



  • Mindset






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