This is a comprehensive Diploma that will give you a solid base in Human anatomy and physiology and very good knowledge in different Naturopathic Medicine fields, such as Acupressure, Homeopathy, Reflexology, Emergency medicine, first Aid, herbal medicine, Microbiology, Family Medicine and Public Health in depth, Emotional and Mental Health, Infectious Diseases and Aromatherapy, The Fundamentals of Nutrition Science and Applications in details you will learn about a lots of diseases, Medical conditions and disorders and their natural treatments, so I will define each disorder, disease and after that I will mention the signs and symptoms and the causative factors in order to be able to diagnose the conditions and their natural treatments. so this diploma is really valuable and effective for people who works in the medical field such as Doctors, Nurses and pharmacist, or for people who are interested to become a Naturopath or Doctors of alternative and complementary medicine, (Note: please give a careful consideration to the nature of your particular health problem. consult a physician if you are in any doubt, or if you are taken medication or drugs, because some of these remedies my conflict with the drugs. also this program is an Educational Program and should be considered as a reference source only; they are not intended to substitute for a healthcare practitioner's diagnosis, advice, and treatment. Always consult your Naturopathic doctor, physician, or a qualified practitioner for proper medical care. This program is not a degree and It's not accredited, It's an educational program offered through Udemy
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