~ In the ancient Indian rehabilitative therapy of Ayurveda, "Nadi Mardan Kriya" of "Nadi Vigyan- (Knowledge of nervous system)" is a well-established practice to bring balance between the body's three "Doshas" - Kapha(water)/Vata(air)/Pitta(bile) -which are the regulatory forces of nature. These three doshas regulate the physiological equilibrium so as to perform the function of the body mind and spirit more effectively.
~ Based on the foundation of this knowledge, Dr. Lajpat Rai Mehra of Mumbai discovered “neurotherapy” as an Indian treatment method.
~ Neurotherapy practices control blood circulation by putting pressure on specific points associated with nerves, muscles, joints, blood and lymphatic channels, endocrine glands and important body organs like liver, spleen, kidney, intestine, lungs, etc.
~ Neurotherapy believes that a chronic disease is an outcome of biochemical imbalance of acids, bases, hormones, enzymes, antigens, antibodies etc. that causes disturbance the human body.
~ Neuropathy treatment restores this disturbed biochemical balance by stimulating the various organs to function normally, to produce the necessary chemicals in optimal quantities.
~ In Neurotherapy we apply pressure to stop the blood flow to specific areas of the body, mainly legs and occasionally arms just for 6 seconds. After removing the pressure, blood flow rushes with great force to activate the corresponding nerves / glands / organs.
~ Neurotherapy not only relieves the symptoms but corrects the root cause i.e. the factors responsible for disturbing the homeostasis, which in turn restores health.
~ "Neurotherapy" practices in this course are focused on the purity of the body's systems as the most important part of health.
~ Join us -- Make sure to join this program and for your own best interest -- complete with us all the Practice Sessions -- Morning/Evening – for all the sessions!