Next Level Sales (Sales for Non-Salespeople)

Do what you love and make a great living doing it

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Next Level Sales (Sales for Non-Salespeople)

What You Will Learn!

  • Unlock the confidence to sell what you do authentically and consistently
  • Learn how to structure consistent sales activity and results for your business
  • Discover how to plan sufficient sales activities to generate the revenue you want to make
  • Talk about what you do in a compelling way so that more people want to buy from you


Too often, we see talented professionals struggle to build a successful business. And just as often we see average professionals thriving.

How can this be? The difference is in how they connect with new clients. The difference is in their relationship with selling.

The Next Level Sales course is designed to level the playing field. It is a sales coaching and training programme for non-sales people. It helps Business Owners and Entrepreneurs learn to sell.

Sales makes most of us uncomfortable, myself included. We think it is all down to luck. We feel like we have to lie, read from a script, change who we are, or be pushy or aggressive.

This simply isn't true.

Great sales is done authentically and methodically, and the Next Level Sales Course will show you how. There are no scripts or gimmicks here, just a distillation of lessons and ideas that I have uncovered in my own journey as a coaching business owner.

In this course you will;

  • Unlock the confidence to sell what you do authentically and consistently

  • Learn how to structure consistent sales activity and results for your business

  • Discover how to plan sufficient sales activities to generate the revenue you want to make

  • Talk about what you do in a compelling way so that more people want to buy from you

Who Should Attend!

  • Next Level Sales is a training and coaching programme for non-sales people to help them sell what they do confidently, consistently and authentically.



  • Sales Funnel
  • Sales Skills
  • Sales Forecasting






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