Be free – drop your bad conscience and your guilt

How you understand and dissolve personal guilt

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Be free – drop your bad conscience and your guilt

What You Will Learn!

  • You diminish your inner pressure You unburden yourself You learn to forgive yourself You transform your guilt in positive action You understand essential connections in human life You get essential insights of my German book “The eight faces of guilt”


So many are tortured by their bad conscience! About things they did, they should do or things they did not or they should not do. Sounds familiar to you? Then this course is for you: It will help you to overcome your feelings of guilt!

But guilt does not have only one reason, it is not an unity. Sometimes you feel guilty because you act against your inner standards, sometimes you feel guilty because you hurt someone. Sometimes guilt serves as a protection against feeling pain and helplessness, sometimes it shows you the deep connection you have with the misery of other human beings.   

The solutions for these diverse types are totally different! In this course you will discover and differentiate the most important types of guilt in your life and in the life of others. And with this understanding you can transform your guilt or – sometimes - forgive yourself.   In order to have a happier and peaceful live!  

Feedback on udemy

“It’s an eyeopener”

“Gosh Bertold, he has this gentle lovely voice that is so deeply soothing. For that alone, even if the content wasn’t rich, I would say get the course if your are suffering. The content though is rich and full of wise observations, ie about our inner rebel who contradicts what we set out to do and then sabotages our efforts which then of course produces guilt. The only flaw is not his, I don’t know if I am missing a feature but I have to keep pressing the screen to move to the next part which is v annoying because I can’t ever multi task etc. Anyway though, thank you B, for a lovely voice, a thoughtful course and soothing my guilty insides.”

“It’s really very helpful. simple practices but very powerful.”

Who Should Attend!

  • People who are troubled by feeling often guilty People who cannot fulfil always their high inner standards People who carry an old burden of guilt People who want to understand better themselves People who want support others to unburden



  • Self-Acceptance






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