Node JS Interview IQ: Mastering Knowledge 300 Questions

A Comprehensive Set of 300 Questions for Node JS Interview Preparation and Skills Assessment

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Node JS Interview IQ: Mastering Knowledge 300 Questions

What You Will Learn!

  • Assess understanding of Core Concepts and Fundamentals
  • Evaluate familiarity of Express js and Web Development
  • Assess understanding of Database Connectivity and ORM
  • Judge understanding of Real-Time Communication
  • Assess understanding of Performance Optimization and Scaling
  • Assess understanding of Testing and Debugging


Whether preparing for an interview, assessing your knowledge, grasping the basics, or being an active learner, practising multiple-choice questions can be incredibly useful for many reasons. 

1. **Core Concepts and Fundamentals**:

    - Asynchronous Programming

    - Event Loop

    - Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

    - Modules and Module System

    - Error Handling

    - Buffer and Streams

2. **Express js and Web Development**:

    - Introduction to Express js

    - Middleware and Request Handling

    - Routing

    - Templating Engines (EJS, Handlebars)

    - RESTful APIs

    - Authentication and Authorization

3. **Database Connectivity and ORM**:

    - Connecting to Databases (MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL)

    - Using ORMs (Mongoose, Sequelize)

    - Querying and CRUD Operations

    - Database Transactions

    - Data Modeling and Schemas

    - Transactions and Error Handling

4. **Real-Time Communication**:

    - WebSockets and Socket IO

    - Broadcasting and Room Management

    - Client-Server Communication

    - Event-driven Architecture

    - Scaling Real-Time Applications

    - Security Considerations

5. **Performance Optimization and Scaling**:

    - Code Optimization Techniques

    - Caching Strategies (e.g., Redis)

    - Load Balancing

    - Horizontal and Vertical Scaling

    - Monitoring and Performance Metrics

    - Scalable Architectures

6. **Testing and Debugging**:

    - Unit Testing with Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine

    - Integration Testing

    - Debugging Techniques

    - Test-Driven Development (TDD)

    - Mocking and Stubbing

    - Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline

Why would this resource be helpful before an interview?

1. Familiarize yourself with the format and style of interview questions: Many companies, especially tech firms, use multiple choice questions (MCQs) in their early interview rounds. Getting comfortable with the format and style of these questions can help you answer them more quickly and accurately under pressure.

2. Tests your foundational knowledge: MCQs like this will often cover a broad range of topics related to the job you're applying for. Answering them can help you find gaps in your knowledge and areas you need to brush up on before the interview.

3. Improves your critical thinking skills: MCQs often require analysing information, identifying the best answer, and eliminating incorrect options. This process can help you sharpen your critical thinking skills, essential for success in any job.

4. Boosts your confidence and reduces anxiety: Successfully answering practice MCQs can boost your confidence and help you approach the interview positively.

5. Helps you manage time effectively: Many interview MCQs have time limits. Practising under timed conditions can help you develop time management skills and answer questions efficiently during the interview.

Why would this resource be helpful to beginners/developers/active learners?

1. Provide a gentle introduction to key concepts:

MCQs often present fundamental concepts in a simplified format with clear and concise options. This can be helpful for beginners who are still grasping the basics, as it allows them to test their understanding without feeling overwhelmed by complex information.

2. Promote active learning and recall:

Selecting the correct answer from a set of options encourages active engagement with the material. Analysing each option and comparing it to their understanding helps you recall and apply knowledge, solidifying your learning.

3. Offer immediate feedback and reinforcement:

MCQs often provide immediate feedback, indicating whether the chosen answer is correct or incorrect. This instant feedback can be highly motivating, allowing you to identify areas where they need further study.

4. Build confidence and reduce anxiety:

Successfully answering questions can boost confidence and reduce anxiety, making the learning process more enjoyable.

5. Assess understanding and identify gaps in knowledge:

MCQs can be used as a diagnostic tool to gauge understanding of a topic. By analysing your performance on specific questions, we encourage you to identify areas where further explanation or practice might be needed.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals preparing for interviews
  • Students / Developers seeking additional practice and self-assessment tools to complement their theoretical learning




