This course will be exploring the different ways to make money as a Notary Public. First, will go into how to become a Notary Public in any State. Now when it comes to becoming a Notary public, every state is different. Every States in the U.S have their own rules and regulations but luckily, we will talk about the different things you may need depending on the State that you are in. Then will dive into how you’re going to form your new Notary hustle into a business. There are lot of notaries in the U.S but a large majority of them did not turn it into a business and they don't really know the strategies they can use to create income as a notary. But after turning it into a business, I will talk about the different ways you can market your Notary business (very important). The best thing about this business is that it doesn't require you to pay for marketing. That's the main reason why I became a notary in the first place because I didn't have to pay for marketing. But after marketing your business, you will finally learn all the different ways you can create income.