NPM is a great tool used all around the web development ecosystem. Whether it's frontend or backend, Node or React, Angular, or TypeScript, you're gonna make use of NPM all along. It is a great idea to add this useful tool to your bucket of mastery as it will save you a ton of time while working/building/running your apps.
We would be going over the core basics of NPM and how it works:
1. What is NPM and how it works
2. Understanding under the hood things with NPM
3. Working with NPX
4. Package and package-lock files, why they're needed
5. Useful NPM commands
6. Local, global node modules
7. Caching, moving global modules directories, and more
If you want to be a good web developer in 2020, this tool is a must to know in-depth! This course is regularly updated and maintained to always keep you on the edge! Best practices and latest toolkit included.