Numerology 101

Understanding what the numbers around you mean and then using that information to guide you.

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Numerology 101

What You Will Learn!

  • Curious about Numerology.
  • What does my name mean?
  • What year am I in?
  • What my date of Birth says about me.
  • Each number has it's strengths and weakness, learn the meaning of each number.


If you are born on the 15 July 1989, I can tell you a whole story about yourself. For example: someone born on the 15 is likely to be a caregiver to those around them. Giving selflessly to those in need but often going into burnout themselves. How do I know this... It's all there in their numbers.

We often see repeating numbers, but why? What is the symbolism?

These questions are about to be answered. Each number holds a unique series of characteristics, these are hidden traits that define and guide us without our awareness. Unlocking the keys of each number will enable you to use and adapt accordingly and have a life that flows more freely.

Our names are significant, as is our birth date. Even the address where we live is impacting us. If you had all the answers and knowledge at your finger tips you could use those numbers to benefit you, your relationship and your career path.

We each have a number that detects what our most affluent career choice for overall happiness would be? Does this entice you to find out more? There are certain number combinations in our date of birth that will lead to stronger, lasting relationships. You can also use the numbers of your partner to understand their values and work better with them.

Numerology is a massive life enhancer. I will use it to figure out the names of my children that will provide them with the most beneficial outcomes. I calculated the numerical value of my business name to see if it would be favorable. A small tweak to the spelling or adding a The before something could change things up for the better. For example 5's love change and spontaneity... this may bode well for a marketing company but won't add value to an accounting firm... We need to choose wisely.

Who Should Attend!

  • Complete newbies welcome.
  • Bring your friends and family along on this journey.



  • Numerology






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