Boost your productivity and master time management!

Productivity for knowledge workers: follow a simple workout to overcome unproductivity and time management made easy

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Boost your productivity and master time management!

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand how you can improve your productivity and what's special in an office job.
  • Learn what slows you down and makes you unproductive.
  • How to understand your tasks better to deliver great results.
  • Manage and prioritise your tasks with ease.
  • Make the most of your time as it is your major constraint for being productive.
  • Establish a 20-minute productivity workout to stay on top of your tasks.
  • Learn about productivity hacks and the perspective of your manager.


Feeling unproductive in your job today and want do something about it?
You strive for productivity and better time management?
You tested the hottest ToDo apps but they don't really help?

If you're working in an office job (sales, marketing, accounting, ...) and want to become more productive - this course is for you.

Achieving productivity and mastering time management is key to a successful career and a healthy work-life balance. You will gain invaluable insights to understand basic concepts and strategies for productivity and time management.

There are a lot of small things in your everyday work routine to boost your productivity and manage your time with easy. Take this course to bring your productivity skills to the next level and make use of mind-blowing tweaks that enable you to manage tasks and time with ease.

The course is not about silver bullets that magically do your work or solve your problems. The course will show what is important for boosting your productivity in the fields of task management, understanding your work as well as time management.

Your instructor won't bother you with too many scientific details and provides hands-on advice which was developed by carefully studying the relevant literature for years, working in an office environment for more than 15 years and managing a team for 10 years.

You will get to know the secret force that makes us unproductive and learn about a proven productivity workout that will boost your productivity.

Stay on top of your tasks with this course. The course at a glance:

  • understand what makes you unproductive and how to achieve productivity

  • understand your job and tasks better

  • prioritise like a pro

  • time management with ease

  • deal with procrastination

  • hands-on advice and real-world examples

Take the course, implement the proven workout and become more productive.

Who Should Attend!

  • You're working in an office job (sales, marketing, accounting, programming,...) and always wonder: Couldn't I be more productive? What's making me feel unproductive and how can I boost my productivity to stay on top of my task list? This course is for you.
  • This course is not about silver bullets and not about the best ToDo tool out there. The course will teach you to understand your work better and how to master the arch enemies of productivity.
  • You'll learn how to deal with uncertainty in the office and become more productive than your peers.




