This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate level . For the best result for every detail, you need to paint layer by layer and also need to wait one night for the first layers colours to half dries. I`ll show your step by step for each tutorial until you can produce one beautiful beach in oil painting. To be honest, to painting a coconut leaf, you have to practice many times. Well, for the first time is a bit tough and challenging. You must proud of your first oil painting. Here we together paint a beautiful beach, clouds, coconut tree and many more. Before you start to paint your painting you must know the composition, brightness and contrast for your painting. After you finished painting all the details, you have to wait for your painting to dry then you can touch up the colours. Even you are a beginner artist, I teach you like a pro. As long as you have your self confident and willing to learn. Paint an oil painting is take times, no need to be rush. For this painting, it takes at least one week to finish up and takes time to dry. As a beginner artist, the best subject that you can learn is landscape painting. You can learn how to mixing and blending oil colours in the correct way. Keep practising and never give up.