OKRs Unleashed

Elevating Organizations with Purposeful Goal-Setting and Value-Based Action

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OKRs Unleashed

What You Will Learn!

  • Crystal-Clear Goal-Setting: Eliminate confusion and uncertainty by defining measurable objectives that everyone in your organization can rally behind.
  • Perfect Alignment: Unleash the power of teamwork by creating organization-wide objectives that cascade to every team and team member.
  • Performance Management & Growth Made Eas(ier): Track progress transparently, evaluate performance effectively, make data-driven & human-centered adjustments
  • Skyrocket Employee Engagement: Empower your team members, boost motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Foster Collaboration & Communication: Break down silos and promote seamless cooperation among teams and departments.
  • Prioritize Like a Pro: Focus your resources and efforts on the most critical objectives, maximizing effort and driving incredible results.
  • Embrace Adaptability: Develop the agility to respond to changing circumstances, explore new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Accountability for All: Cultivate a culture where everyone takes responsibility for their goals and outcomes, and a collective sense of mission achievement.
  • Integrating Values: Embed anti-racism, inclusion, and equity objectives into your organization's DNA, living your commitment to a better world.


Does it feel like everyone is working hard but not necessarily working towards the same goals? Are you tired of feeling stuck in a sea of unclear goals and misaligned priorities? Are you struggling to align and prioritize your team's efforts with the overall objectives of your organization?

Is it difficult to align your team members and hold them accountable for commitments? In your hybrid work environment, do people say, "If I can see them working, how do I know they're doing the *right* work?" Do you find that important tasks aren't getting the attention they deserve, and progress is hard to track?

Do you need structure and focus to eliminate endless freeform check-in meetings? Do you want to create a high-performing team that's motivated? Do you find it challenging to reflect on accomplishments and plan for the future?

The Objectives & Key Results framework can help you develop the tools and mindset needed to build an organization that not only achieves its goals but does so in a way that embodies its values.


This powerful and flexible tool provides clarity and focus, connecting everyone's work to the organization's broader mission. With the OKR framework, your organization will:

  1. Define clear objectives that are relevant to the organization's strategy and goals.

  2. Track key results that are specific, measurable outcomes demonstrating progress towards achieving each objective.

  3. Cascade org-level priorities throughout the organization ensuring that every individual understands how their work contributes to achieving the overall objectives.

  4. Foster collaboration and transparency by openly tracking work in ways where employees can see how their efforts fit into the bigger picture and better understand their role in the organization's success.

  5. Stretch for success to encourage innovation and growth, and support a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

  6. Apply a values lens to every aspect of your organization’s operations.

  7. Utilize "how might we" and "what if" questions to encourage creative problem-solving and challenge traditional approaches.

  8. Identify and resolve long-standing challenges and increase visibility into team progress and the ability to address blockers early on.

  9. Guided conversation prompts for deeper and more meaningful discussions.

  10. Co-create a collective environment where team members align their goals with the organization's mission and vision.

This course goes beyond simply setting and achieving OKRs. It teaches you how to reflect on your work, integrate professional development resources, and adjust your objectives to align with evolving priorities. By asking yourself the right questions, you'll gain clarity on what you truly want and how to move forward effectively.

Don't waste another minute struggling with unclear expectations, lackluster engagement, meandering meetings, and missed opportunities. It's time to elevate your game with OKRs Unleashed!

Who Should Attend!

  • Business owners and entrepreneurs: Those looking to align their organization, set clear goals, and optimize their team's performance for greater success and profitability.
  • Managers and team leaders: Professionals who want to improve their team's productivity, engagement, and collaboration, while fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.
  • Human Resources professionals: HR experts who aim to integrate effective goal-setting, performance management, and employee engagement strategies into their organization.
  • Consultants and coaches: Professionals who advise organizations on performance improvement, goal-setting, and strategic planning, and who like to incorporate the OKR framework into their toolkit.
  • Non-profit and social impact leaders: Leaders of organizations that seek to integrate social impact values, such as anti-racism, inclusion, and equity, into their overall strategy and performance measurement.
  • Individuals interested in personal and professional development: Those who want to learn the OKR framework to improve their own goal-setting and prioritization skills, or to prepare for future leadership roles.




