OOP object oriented programming in python (First Step)

OOP object oriented programming in python

Ratings 5.00 / 5.00
OOP object oriented programming in python (First Step)

What You Will Learn!

  • What is the OOP
  • What is a Class and how can i create it
  • What is an Object and how can i create it
  • What is self ? and how can i deal with it
  • What is the initialization , and how can i do it ?


this course is a course that talks about OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in Python,

this course is for programmers who are struggling with the OOP, and are not able to understand it, because it is explained in a hard way.

- this course is talking about what is OOP (Object Oriented Programming), and how to apply it to your code.

- this course also is talking about the classes, what are they, and how can you create a class correctly.

- this course also is explained well for beginners to OOP and those who are new to coding with Python.

- this course also is talking about objects, what are they, how can we use them, their benefits, and how can you create an object correctly

- this course also talks about self and what is it, and what is the secret behind it, and how can i use it.

- this course also talks about the initialization concept, what is it, and how it works, and it talks about the __init__ function.

this course provides you with a list of lectures with high quality that are talking about the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept, and it removes the misunderstanding of the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concept.

Who Should Attend!

  • who wants to advance python
  • who wants to understand OOP
  • who wants to be a good programmer




