OOPS ABAP Interview Questions and Answer Made Easy

Crack OOPS ABAP Interview easily

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OOPS ABAP Interview Questions and Answer Made Easy

What You Will Learn!

  • all the Important Interview Questions and Answer of OOPS ABAP from Scratch to Advance
  • Crack OOPS ABAP Interview easily
  • Interview Questions and answer for Encapsulation,Abstraction, Inheritence, Polymorphism
  • Class, Interface, Abstract class, difference between Interface and ABSTRACT Class
  • What is the difference between static and instance attribute?
  • What is Object? What is SUPER Key word?
  • Different types of constructor - Class Constructor and Instance Constructor
  • What is Normal Method and Special Method
  • Different types of Constructor
  • What kind of parameters are supported by Constructor?
  • The rule for Static Constructor?
  • What is the rule for Static Method?
  • Why we should not use the static method?
  • What is the different type of polymorphism?
  • What is the difference between Overloading and Overriding?
  • Is overloading supported by ABAP?
  • What is LOAD Key Word? What is DEFERRED Key Word? What is Constructor Hierarchy?
  • What is CLASS Constructor and Constructor
  • What is UML Diagram?
  • What is the Association?
  • What is Aggregation?
  • What is Composition?
  • What is Casting?
  • What is Widening Cast?
  • What is Narrowing Cast?
  • How to register the Method with EVENT? How to Deregister the Event? How to Trigger the EVENT? What is the rule for Static Event? Can we raise the instance event
  • What are the Exception and its different types? What is the root Class of Exception? What is the CLEANUP command? What are the different types of Object Service
  • Design Pattern Basics
  • Example of event with parameter How to register the static Event? What are the different types of object services? What is persistent data and transient data? W
  • What is persistence class and how to create? What is actor, Base and Agent Class? What is Design pattern? What is singleton Design Pattern?
  • How to achieve the singleton design pattern?
  • What is Factory Design Pattern What is Different Category of Design Pattern - Creational, Structural and Behavioural What is MVC – Model view Controller
  • What is Proxy Design Pattern? What is Adapter Design Pattern? What is Facade Design Pattern?
  • What is Template Design Pattern? What is Decorator design Pattern? What is Composite Design Pattern( Structural Design Pattern)?
  • What is Strategy Design Pattern? What is SOLID Design Principle? What is Control Framework?
  • What are the differnt types of Controls? What is FLUSH Method? What is Dispatch Method?
  • What is Automation Controller? What is Automation Queue?
  • How to do Edit in ALV output? How to perform Sum in ALV?
  • How to show Checkbox in ALV output?
  • What is the use of LAYOUT-EDIT in ALV? What is the use of Emphasize option in ALV? How to get the Row Colo, Cell Color and Column Color in ALV?
  • How to display the checkbox in alv output


This course will be helping to crack the OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING  related Interview Q & A.

This course is part of the ABAP ritual initiative for the purpose of helping all categories of Consultants to Crack the interview for OOPS ABAP in a simple way.

This contains the Answer Explanation in Depth so that it can be remembered longer and not forget at the time Interview.

Repetition is the key for any Interview Preparation so before starting the Next session previous session has been revised and covered in detail. If someone doesn't want to listen they can skip. However, for Fresher/Low Experienced candidates, it is highly recommended to not skip any part.

This OOPS ABAP Question's and answer video is different from traditional Videos.

These are not Plane videos, but with a lot of interactiveness and explanations in detail so that viewer won't feel bored.

Request you to visit some sample videos which will give a better idea of how classes have been conducted.

Below Questions have been answered:-

What is the use of LAYOUT-EDIT in ALV?

What is the use of Emphasize option in ALV?

How to get the Row Colo, Cell Color, and Column Color in ALV?

How to display the checkbox in ALV output

How to do Edit in ALV output

How to perform Sum in ALV

How to show Checkbox in ALV output

What is Strategy Design Pattern

What is the SOLID Design Principle

What is Control Framework

What are the different types of Controls

What is FLUSH Method?

What is Dispatch Method?

What is Automation Controller

What is Automation Queue

What is Factory Design Pattern

What is Different Category of Design Pattern - Creational, Structural and Behavioural

What is MVC – Model View Controller

What is Proxy Design Pattern

What is Adapter Design Pattern

What is Facade Design Pattern

What is Template Design Pattern

What is Decorator design Pattern

What is Composite Design Pattern( Structural Design Pattern)

Example of the event with parameter

How to register the static Event?

What are the different types of object services?

What are persistent data and transient data?

What is a persistence class and how to create it?

What is actor, Base, and Agent Class?

What is a Design pattern?

What is Singleton Design Pattern?

How to achieve the singleton design pattern?

What is Widening Cast?

What is Narrowing Cast?

Define Constructor Hierarchy?

How to Achieve Multiple Inheritance?


How to register the Method with EVENT?

How to Deregister the Event?

How to Trigger the EVENT?

What is the rule for Static Event?

Can we raise the instance event inside the static Method?

What are the Exception and their different types?

What is the root Class of Exception?

What is the CLEANUP command?

What are the different types of Object Services?

Design Pattern Basics

What is CLASS Constructor and Constructor

What is the Difference between Abstract Class and Interface

What is UML Diagram?

How to represent PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED and STATIC etc using UML Diagram?

What is the Association?

What is Aggregation?

What is Composition?

What is Casting?

What is Widening Cast?

What is Narrowing Cast?


The rule for Static Constructor?

What is the rule for Static Method?

When to use a Static Method?

Why we should not use the static method?

What is the different type of polymorphism?

What is the difference between Overloading and Overriding?

Is overloading supported by ABAP?

What is LOAD Key Word?

What is DEFERRED Key Word?

What is Constructor HIerarchy?

SUPER Keyword

Difference between Abstract Class and Interface

Types Constructor

Different types of constructor - Class Constructor and Instance Constructor

Normal Method and Special Method

What kind of parameters are supported by Constructor?

The rule for Static Constructor


What is the problem with Procedural programming?

What are the features of OOPS ABAP?

What is the use of Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism

What is Class?

Access through Class name and instance

Static Attribute and Instance Attribute?

What is Object

What is SUPER Keyword?

Who Should Attend!

  • Looking for Job Change and Career growth and looking to prepare for OOPS ABAP Interview Questions and Answer



  • Case Interview






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