I am a professor of Operations Research, teaching this subject from 1986 onwards. Linear Programming, Assignment Problem, Transportation Problem, Networking Techniques, Game Theory are some of the major algorithms in Operations Research. My attempt, over the years has been to teach without involving great deal of mathematics, so that the student without any math background can also understand the algorithm easily. In the initial phase I launched the courses on Linear Programming, Assignment Problem, Transportation Problem, Sequencing at one go. Recently I launched a free course on game theory, bringing out the essential portion of game theory in a small two-hour course.
A networking problem in Operations Research is a very vast topic. Out of these, the Critical Path Method (CPM) and the Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) has been covered at length. At the beginning of the course, a detailed method of drawing the network has been explained at length, in the process od trying to understand the ‘Precedence Relationship’ between the activities. After this, the methodology of numbering the events or nodes has been explained. While dealing with these issues actual examples have been covered to demonstrate to the student the procedure involved. Moving from CPM to PERT has been kept seamless inasmuchas the concept of probabilistic durations has been brought out towards end of the course.
I hope the students like this course and spread it to friends so that more and more people subscribe to it. The pricing has been kept towards the lower end for more students to benefit from.
Best wishes!!
Prof Madhusudan Sohani