Origami, Japanese Paper crafts ‐ Challenge course 2

Origami basic course. You can learn 25 types of origami from easy to slightly difficult in an easy-to-understand manner

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Origami, Japanese Paper crafts ‐ Challenge course 2

What You Will Learn!

  • 25 Let's learn how to make origami
  • Basic way to fold origami
  • Communication using origami
  • Capacity development using origami
  • About japanese culture


【at first】

This is a course where you can learn traditional Japanese origami in an easy-to-understand manner even for the first time.

You can learn 25 kinds of origami for each level.

For details, see the course introduction video.Then register and actually fold it to use our course.

We created this  course because we want you to enjoy origami, which is a fun culture of Japan, with you.

At the end if you see last curriculum, you can learn more origami.

【Origami what you can learn】

level 0-1

  • fire fly

  • pigeon

  • japanese lantern

  • boat

  • bat

  • mashroom

level 1-2

  • camera

  • carp

  • shirt

  • turtle

  • windmill

  • stingray

  • swallow

  • pig

level 2-3

  • one piece dress

  • ring

  • jellyfish

  • dragonfly

  • penguin

  • eagle

  • horse

level 3-4

  • flog

  • iris

  • angel heart

level 4-5

  • crane letter

Completing this course will give you a higher level of origami than the average Japanese.

You can also teach your children the origami they have learned, hold origami classes, and give them as gifts.


After completing this course, you will learn the basics of origami and will be able to challenge more advanced origami.                                                     

You can also teach your children the origami they have learned, hold origami classes, and give them as gifts.                                                                 

Origami also activates the brain, so it is recommended not only for children but also for adults.                                                                         

We are passionate about origami and are ready to prepare many courses. We look forward to your participation in our origami course.                                     

I hope you enjoy this course.             

Who Should Attend!

  • Origami beginners seeking easy-to-understand explanations
  • Children and parents to enjoy together
  • People who loves to create, design, crafts, and challenge new things.
  • People who want to give their own origami as a gift
  • People who like Japanese culture
  • People who want to become popular with origami
  • For those who want to train their brains with origami, especially children and people with dementia



  • Origami






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