OSHA Rigging Signal Certification - Fully Online

Certified Training for Crane Signalers In Crane and Hoist Operations

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OSHA Rigging Signal Certification - Fully Online

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn basic signal protocols as a signaler in a crane and hoist operation
  • Learn how to establish the forms and methods of signal communication to be used with the crane operator and lift director prior to commencing the operation
  • Learn how to perform the 19 hand signals used in the Standard Method
  • Learn how to use verbal and radio instructions to communicate as a signaler in a crane and hoist operation
  • Learn the importance of proper rigging and the effect of using damaged rigging materials or improper knots


Welcome to our comprehensive online course titled, "OSHA Rigging Signal Certification - Fully Online."

In this course, we provide training on rigging, signaling, and signal communications in crane and hoist operations, which is designed to meet certification requirements under OSHA guidelines. Our course provides essential knowledge and skills for safe and efficient crane and hoist operations, crucial for workers in various industries.

This course will cover several primary topics, including:

  • The basics of signaling protocols in crane and hoist operations.

  • The importance of establishing and becoming familiar with communication methods in advance of any operation, particularly between the crane signaler, the crane operator, and the lift director, if applicable.

  • How to utilize hand, radio, and verbal signaling in crane and hoist operations.

  • Becoming familiar with the 19 primary hand signals used in the Standard Method of Hand Signaling.

  • The importance of proper rigging gear and knots and how damaged rigging can reduce the effectiveness and safety of moving loads in crane and hoist operations.

Upon completion of the online training, participants will undertake two quizzes—one on signaling protocols and the other on performing proper hand signals. This will be followed by instructions on how to schedule a video call with our course operator experts to perform a final virtual performance evaluation, which is required for certification under OSHA guidelines.

We are a successful risk management and safety firm with decades of experience working with various industries that utilize crane and hoist equipment within their operations. Our curriculum has been meticulously crafted by our in-house experts, drawing from real-world experience in job-site safety to provide practical, relevant, and OSHA-compliant training.

Join us to elevate your skills and ensure safety in crane and hoist operations today!

Who Should Attend!

  • Workers on job sites utilizing crane and hoist equipment
  • Crane signalers, crane operators, lift directors, or any other occupation in which you work directly within a crane and hoist operation




