GCSE Mathematics Grade 1-9 Number

You will gain a deeper understanding of numbers, including recurring decimals, standard form, integers, and operations.

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GCSE Mathematics Grade 1-9 Number

What You Will Learn!

  • Types of Number - Natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers.
  • BIDMAS - How to apply these rules.
  • Multiples LCM - How to find the lowest common multiple.
  • Factors HCF - How to find the highest common factors.
  • Prime Factors - Using prime factor trees.
  • HCF and LCM using Primes - Using prime factor decomposition form.
  • Fractions - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions.
  • Multiplication - Whole numbers and fractions.
  • Division - Division of whole numbers and decimals.
  • Powers - Applying the rules of powers.
  • Standard Form - Addition, subtraction multiplication and division.
  • Fractions Decimals and Percentages - Converting between different number representations.
  • Recurring Decimals - Converting.


Welcome to Outstanding Tutorials. My name is Nisar and I have created this course to give students access to learning mathematics at their own time through tutorials and giving them the highest learning experience. You may be a current student at school who want to supplement their education. Perhaps you want to revisit mathematics later in life.

I have structured the course so it feels like your in the classroom. This course is suitable to students from year 9, as the entry requirements are basic addition, subtraction multiplication and division. So anyone who is interested in learning mathematics who meets the requirement is suitable for this course.

This course will cover the Number topic of GCSE Mathematics from Grade 1 to Grade 9. This course has whole lessons to give you a complete learning experience and to cover the whole curriculum, as you would expect from a classroom setting. This explains the video length, although you can complete the course at your own pace, is is recommended to learn over time such as 1 video per day.

The lessons will include the following topics: Types of Numbers, BIDMAS, Multiples, Factors, Primes, HCF and LCM, Fractions Cancelling Down, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Multiplying Fractions, Dividing Fractions, Ordering Fractions, Fractions of an Amount, Fractions from worded questions, Multiplying by Powers of 10, Multiplication, Division, Standard Form Converting, Standard Form Multiplying, Standard Form Dividing, Standard Form Adding and Subtracting, Rounding, Estimating, Bounds, Min and Max of Calculations, FDP, Recurring Decimals, Converting Recurring Decimal to a Fraction, Converting a Fraction to a Recurring Decimal.

Each lesson has incorporated many teaching strategies to give you an outstanding learning experience, and to make you feel like your in a class. This also gives the course high quality and consistency. 

Each Lesson has the following features:

Prior Learning - Revises the topics required for the lesson

Learning Objectives - Look at 3 learning objectives, Must, Should and Could

Independent Learning - To develop problem solving skills

Examples - Worked examples based on the learning objectives

Assessment point 1 - Based on the learning objectives

Matching Activity - To develop self assessment skills

True or False Activity - To look at misconceptions or general ideas

Assessment point 2 - Based on learning objectives

Plenary - Summary of the lesson and are questions similar to exam papers

I will be available to you through messages throughout your journey while studying this course so please feel free to message me at any time. I thank you for checking out my course and welcome you to enroll.

Who Should Attend!

  • From Beginner GCSE Grade 1 to Expert GCSE grade 9.



  • GCSE






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