Overcome Stage Fear With Public Speaking Skills

Speech Beginners, Do's-Don'ts, tips, Impressive Endings, Post Session Questions, Handling Nervousness, Getting Prepared.

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Overcome Stage Fear With Public Speaking Skills

What You Will Learn!

  • Overcome Stage Fear With Public Speaking Skills
  • Learn impressive speech beginners and how to end your speech on a high note.
  • Learn what to keep in mind before, during and after your stage performance.
  • Learn how to take post speech questions and answer them effectively.
  • Learn tips to manage stage fear, get attention and stay focused.


This program is designed to help you overcome stage fear. You will not only be able to display confidence, you will also master the art of having your audience captivated with the way you speak and present yourself. You will learn of effective ways of transferring your knowledge with comfort in a competent and confident manner to a person or to a group of people. You will walk through a series of chapters in a step by step guide using content, quizzes, video lessons, assignments for a 'Think-Feel-Do' experience.

Check the drop down menu in each section for more details.

Program Outcome:

1. Visualize the needs of a great public speaking experience.

2. Relate to the different types of speaking opportunities.

3. Tell what to keep in mind before you walk towards the stage.

4. Explain the different ways to begin your public speech.

5. Relate to details before, during and after your public speech.

6. Define the do’s and don’ts of public speaking and presentation skills.

7. Identify interesting endings for a lasting impression.

8. Manage stage fright with effective ways of confidence building tips.

9. Use tips on how to respond to post session questions, effectively

What's More!

There is an evaluation assignment, of your public speaking skills, at the end of this course. The assignment is based on your learning from the course. A scorecard and will be provided on submission of speech for evaluation. (optional)

You will also be awarded a course completion certificate.

Join the course today!

Sandra Barros

(Image Consultant and Soft Skills Trainer)

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone wanting to overcome stage fear, deliver interesting speeches, become a self confident speaker or simply learn public speaking can join this course.



  • Public Speaking






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