Pain Relief Hypnosis Protocol - Practitioner Training

Discover how hypnosis can alleviate pain long term

Ratings 4.75 / 5.00
Pain Relief Hypnosis Protocol - Practitioner Training

What You Will Learn!

  • The injustice of chronic pain and how to create peace with it
  • CFS/ME Pain management
  • Use hypnosis and nlp tools to relieve and heal pain
  • Colour Therapy
  • Amputee and phantom pain alleviation using hypnosis
  • Headache and CRP (chronic regional pain) relief


In this course "Pain Relief Hypnosis Protocol - Practitioners Training" you will learn:

- All the hypnosis and nlp techniques required for long term pain relief

- How to adapt the protocol and techniques for CFS/ME sufferers, CRP (chronic regional pain), headaches, back pain, amputation and much more!

- Learn about injustice healing - When pain has changed your clients life permanently through no fault of their own.

- Teach your client how to scale pain and the stages of healing the have failed to commence into

- Healing and maintenance for the body - knowing the limitations and listening to your bodies responses

- Real pain VS memory pain - Help your client move away from memory pain and its limitations

- Colour Therapy and how to incorporate it into your practice

- Pain types and hellstromism (muscle memory)

This course includes a trainers manual and a workbook for clients - The trainers manual includes all scripts, CBT's and education material to confidently go into practice with your clients - I have run this protocol as a 2hr event in our local community and at hospitals.

Who is this course for?

* This course is for therapists wishing to expand their current practice to assist clients with pain issues

* People interested in helping heal pain naturally

Who Should Attend!

  • Hypnotherapists
  • Counsellors
  • Therapists
  • Natural Healers



  • Hypnosis
  • Hypnotherapy






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