Girl with a Pearl Earring - Pastel Pencil Demonstration

Watch this outstanding MASTERCLASS from Colin and learn advanced artist techniques using Pastel Pencils.

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Girl with a Pearl Earring - Pastel Pencil Demonstration

What You Will Learn!

  • Advanced Pastel Pencil Techniques
  • Learn to replicate oil painting effects using Pastels
  • How to create similar portraits using Pastel Pencils
  • How to create a variety of textures in Pastel


[Please read below. This course differs from our others on Udemy]


"Back when I would travel the country doing demonstrations at shows and art groups, I would show off just how good the pastel pencils can be. I loved this part of the job because of the audience reaction. The “oohs” and “aahs” were actually audible in the crowd, they were seeing pictures magically come to life.

When we choose projects for our students, we have to think about how the subject material will translate to a lesson. Would it make a good lesson and would the student be able to do it?

Well, with Demonstrations  I am truly showing what the Pastel Pencils can do and more importantly, how far you can take them.

In truth, I have surprised myself with the work I have produced. I didn’t intend for people to follow them as a project as they are very difficult. It’s more to show you advanced techniques and the results you can achieve with the pencils. However this hasn't stopped many of you doing wonderful work copying them.

You will find the outline drawing in the resources section. As I didn't intend these to be lessons and more a demonstration, there were a lot of pencils used and it was impossible for me to list them.

Many of my students that have been with me a long time have copied this fabulous picture.

We’re convinced that you will learn so much from just watching this demonstration so do not feel pressured to give it a try unless you want to. This is my interpretation of this Johannes Vermeer’s stunning picture and I hope you enjoy watching."

What to expect

To clarify, this course is slightly different to our others on here. These series of videos are designed to be a demonstration only rather than a "follow" along with Colin.  The pencil numbers are not listed within the course.

We have had many students be able to re-create this picture after watching the videos but the main purpose was for Colin to show you a number of advanced techniques. There is a great deal to learn from watching this masterclass and we hope that you enjoy what you see.

  • Pastel Pencils - As mentioned above, unlike the other courses where we list all of the colours, it was impossible to do that with this picture as Colin was demonstrating and reached for the right pencil in the moment. We can confirm there was 1 colour from STABILO (605) that we don't believe is manufactured anymore so a good replacement is 039 or 017 in Caran d'Ache.

  • Pastel Paper - You can use any pastel paper that you like. Colin uses Dark Grey PastelMat but if you are in the US, UART 800 is a good alternative.

  • Outline Drawing - We have provided you with a basic outline to avoid needing to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper using preferably a white transfer sheet like white tracedown.

We encourage you to watch the free preview sections of this course before you enrol and see if you enjoy what you see. If you do feel like creating your own version after the watching the videos then we would love to see it!

Who Should Attend!

  • Artists familiar with Pastel Pencils




