1. Course teaches you complete Performance Testing to kick start your career:
a) Why,When,What of Performance Testing
b) How Performance impacts revenues
c) Economy of Performance Testing
d) Terminology and concepts (below are just key ones)
1. Response time, Think Time, Pacing time
2. Concurrency
3. Vuser, Latency
4. Types of Architectures
5. Utilizations
6. Types of Performance Tests
e) Performance Test Life Cycle
1. Stages
2. Activities
3. Best practices
2. How does HTTP/HTML protocol work
a) Using ‘Developer Tools’
b) HTTP Request
c) HTTP Response
d) HTTP Headers
e) Response code
g) url encoding
3. Statistics required for a Performance Tester
a) Average,Std Deviation,percentile
4. Basic Performance Laws
5. Jmeter Hands on Sessions
a) Script preparation
i. Parameterization
ii. Correlation
iii. Assertion
iv. debugging
b) Understanding and usage of all the required Jmeter elements - TestPlan,ThreadGroup,Listners,Samplers, Timers,Pre-processors, Post Processors,DebugSampler,HTTPs Test Script Recorder etc.
c) Regular Expressions
d) Introduction to Groovy Scripting
e) Recording Scripts
i. Browser proxy settings
ii. Security Certidicate
f) Jmeter Templates
g) Jmeter variables and properties
h) Functions
i) Plugin Manager
j) Dryruns
k) Set up Load Test
l) Running Jmeter in CLI mode
m) Load Test Execution
n) Basic Results Analysis
o) Scoping rules
p) Best Practices in Jmeter usage